Unmask – The future is African

How it Works


We conduct four different programs (or a combination of them):

A. Adopt a Business

You have a business already, but you feel that you need to grow. Either you see yourself expanding to a new (foreign) market, or growing your market share in your current market – we assist as follows:

  1. Business Profiling: We profile your business and expose it to our investor network.
  2. Opportunity identification: We identify and help you find other opportunities (related to your business) elsewhere on the continent and help you set up.
  3. Mentorship: We match you up with an Afropreneur that can assist and coach you in overcoming your current barriers.
  4. Future-Proofing: We help you structure your business for durability and sustainability.
  5. Skills Transfer: We retrain you and your staff.

The continent has enough mom- and pop-type businesses… The continent needs businesses to GROW and become INFLUENCERS of the economy, of politics and policy, of society… We need the countries of the continent to be more affluent, without losing their “soul”… African solutions need to become more African…

Unmask Africa

B. Investment Assistance

You want to invest in a business that will earn you returns but will also make an impact in the lives of people on this continent. We can assist you in finding worthy businesses to consider and/or securing your investment. We know this continent – WELL. Whether you are in the mining sector, agriculture, ICT or Medical Services, we have a database of legitimate businesses across the continent that you can work with and/or from.

C. Book An Executive

Sometimes all your business needs is a fresh set of eyes. We have a network of top executives – leaders in their fields, across the world, who LOVE Africa. After facilitating a week-long evaluation of your business, you will receive recommendations and a short- to mid-term action plan for your business. You are also provided with the means necessary (financial and otherwise) to execute those recommendations. A follow-up visit is conducted periodically to measure your progress and provide additional support.

D. Rate my Business

We put your business “through the paces”. In other words, your business is evaluated by a panel of experts to determine its sustainability, robustness, “risk-proofness” and most importantly its investment potential. Once you have gone through that process, your business is given an Unmask Africa 👍🏾 Or ✍🏾 Or 👎🏾.

Adopt a Business Investment Assistance Book an Executive Rate My Business
Our most comprehensive Program:
-We take your business “under our wing”
-Help you grow your market share and/or expand
-We guarantee GROWTH
Targeted at Investors:
-We help you find the RIGHT businesses to invest in
-We conduct due diligence and guarantee that your investment and risk indication information is ACCURATE
– Ensuring traceability
A Coaching program for your business:
– Identification of organizational inefficiencies
-Growth tips
-Less handholding
Certification Program:
– Rates your business for corporate governance
-Rates your business against other businesses in the industry
-Encourages sustainable business practices
-Makes your company attractive to investors

Become an Afropreneur OR Register a Business OR Become an Afropreneur OR Share Your Experience

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