As an #afropreneur you will hopefully find everything you need on this site. From sector specific news updates, commentary on current issues around the continent, but most importantly FACTS about starting a business in Africa and entrepreneurship. We would also like to provide an objective “back-drop” to the current situation in many countries in Africa – why things are the way they are… For easy reference here are the main things available on this site:
Content Description | Type | Intended Purpose |
Business-sector break-down (by Industry) –Production –Construction –Energy –ICT –Services –Trade –Lifestyle | Business | Provide up-to-date info on opportunities |
Country information | Business Travel | Everything you need to know before to start a venture in an African country |
News and Developments | News | Updates on industry shifts around the continent |
Origin Stories | Business History | Insight into the history of the continent as well as profiled entrepreneurs and business people. |
Commentary | Business Anecdotal | Perspectives on current issues affecting entrepreneurs in Africa |
Insights | Business Anecdotal | Learn from the successes (and mistakes) of other afropreneurs |