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4 min read. At a glance: 1) Tendency by bureacrats to prioritize urban centres 2) Public Infrastructure is necessary for Read more
5 min read. At a Glance: Unpacking the Nigeria's Central Bank roadmap for the upcoming 5 years: 1) Steep export Read more
5 min read. At a glance: 1) Why African tech start-ups find it difficult to get investors 2) What is Read more
There is no doubt that colonisation was the beginning of the resource and societal exploitation that led to Africa’s regression. Read more
This is the story of how we lost USD 70,000 in West Africa in the Gold industry. I wouldn’t say Read more
Jay-Z (and many others before and after him) said (say) it best: “Money makes the world go round”. As a Read more
Wherever people are making a lot of money legitimately (more or less), there is usually a thriving secondary illegitimate industry Read more
Having grown up in an employee-minded household I didn’t possess a lot of the knowledge required to succeed as an Read more
African colonialism by European settlers was generally driven by agricultural practices. The early colonisers based their decisions about areas of Read more
Those of us who travel frequently around the African continent have discovered that doing business here is not for “sissies”. Read more

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