Political Structure
- Official name: República de Angola
- Form of state: Unitary republic, whereby the President of Angola is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in the President, the government and parliament.
- Legal system: Based on the new constitution implemented in February 2010
Head of State
- Current President: João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço (came to power in September 2017)
National legislature
- Assembleia Nacional (parliament), with 220 seats
National elections
- August 23rd 2017 (legislative); the presidential election was abolished under the 2010 constitution, with the leader of the party with the most parliamentary seats automatically becoming president;
- The next legislative election is scheduled for 2022
National government
The government is composed exclusively of members of the ruling Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA); the office of the presidency operates parallel power structures that are generally independent of parliament and government
Main political parties
- The MPLA has an absolute majority in parliament, with 150 seats;
- The main opposition party, the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA), has 51 seats
- The remaining 19 seats are divided between three smaller parties
Key ministers
- President & head of government: João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço
- Vice-president: Bornito de Sousa
- Agriculture & forestry: Marcos Alexandre Nhunga
- Construction & public works: Manuel Tavares de Almeida
- Defence: Salviano de Jesus Sequeira
- Economy & planning: Pedro Luís da Fonseca
- Education: Maria Cândida Pereira Teixeira
- Electricity & water: João Baptista Borges
- Environment: Paula Cristina Francisco Coelho
- Finance: Archer de Sousa Mangueira
- Foreign affairs: Manuel Domingos Augusto
- Health: Silvia Paula Valentim Lutucuta
- Hotels & tourism: Maria Ângela Teixeira de Alva Sequeira Bragança
- Housing: Ana Paula de Carvalho
- Interior: Ângelo de Barros Veiga Tavares
- Media: João da Silva Melo
- Mineral resources & oil: Diamantino Pedro Azevedo
- Public administration, work & social security: António Rodrigues Afonso Paulo
- Telecoms & IT: José Carvalho da Rocha
- Territory & state reform: Adão de Almeida
- Trade: Joffre Van-Dúnem Júnior
- Transport: Augusto da Silva Tomás
- Minister of state for economic & social development: Manuel José Nunes Júnior
- Minister of state and chief of security in the presidency: Pedro Sebastião
Central bank governor
- José de Lima Massano
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