Democratic Republic of Congo

Travel & Accommodation

As a result of the poor road network in the DRC, most journeys require a flight. As a result there is a sizeable presence of commercial airlines as well as charter options as follows:

Air Kasai
Air Katanga
Air Tropiques
Airfast Congo
Aviatrade Congo
BlueSky Airlines (Congo Kinshasa)
Compagnie Africaine d’Aviation
Congo Airways
ITAB – International Trans Air Business
Katanga Wings
Kin Avia
Malift Air
Malu Aviation
Mango Airlines
Services Air
Swala Aviation
Trans Air Cargo Service
Victoria Airways
XL Trading

There are flights to the DRC on South African Airways, Ethiopian airways and several other carriers.


Accommodation is fairly pricey with a decent room priced between $200 and $500 a night. (e.g. Pullman Hotel in Kinshasa). Accommodation becomes cheaper when not in the capital.

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