Political structure
- Official name: United Republic of Tanzania
- Form of State: Unitary presidential democratic republic formed by the 1964 union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar
- President of Tanzania is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system
- Legislative power is vested in both the government and parliament.
- The Judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature.
- Current President: John Magufuli
Legal system
Based on English common law and the 1977 union and 1985 Zanzibar constitutions, as amended
National legislature
- National Assembly, comprising 295 members
- 232 directly elected on the mainland;
- 5 delegates from the Zanzibar parliament
- The remainder appointed
- Zanzibar’s House of Representatives (59 members, including nine women appointees) legislates on internal matters
National elections
- Mainland legislative and presidential elections were last held in October 2015
- The next election scheduled for 2020.
- Zanzibar presidency and House of Representatives elections were held in October 2015, but subsequently annulled, with a rerun held in March 2016
Head of state
- President, elected by universal adult suffrage every five years
National government
- The president, vice-president and Council of Ministers
Main political parties
- Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM);
- Civic United Front (CUF);
- National Convention for Construction and Reform (NCCR-Mageuzi);
- United Democratic Party (UDP);
- Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema);
- Tanzania Labour Party (TLP);
- Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT)
Key Ministers
- President: John Magufuli
- Vice-president: Samia Suluhu Hassan
- President of Zanzibar: Ali Mohamed Shein
- Prime minister: Kassim Majaliwa Majaliwa
- Agriculture: Japhet Hasunga
- Constitutional affairs & justice: Augustine Mahiga
- Defence & national service: Hussein Mwinyi
- Education, science, technology & training: Joyce Ndalichako
- Energy: Medard Kalemani
- Finance & planning: Philip Mpango
- Fisheries & livestock: Luhuaga Mpina
- Foreign affairs: Palamagamba Kabudi
- Health, community development & gender: Ummy Mwalimu
- Home affairs: Mwigulu Nchemba
- Industry & trade: Innocent Lugha Bashungwa
- Information, culture, artists & sports: Harrison Mwakyembe
- Lands, housing & human settlements: William Lukuv
- Mining: Angellah Kairuki
- National resources of tourism: Jumanne Maghembe
- Parliamentary affairs (minister of state): Jenista Mhagama
- Regional administration (minister of state): George Simbachawene
- Union affairs (minister of state): January Makamba
- Water & irrigation: Gerson Lwenge
- Works, transport & communication: Makame Mbarawa
Central bank governor
- Florens Luoga
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