Geographical Data & Population
Geographical Data
- Capital:
- (anti-clockwise from the north) Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (across Lake Tanganyika), Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique.Dodoma (Official)
- Dar es Salaam (Administrative)
- 6.3690° S, 34.8888° E
- Surface: 945 087 km²
- Coastline of the Atlantic Coast: 1,424 Km (Indian Ocean)
- Borders: 3,861 Km. Anti-clockwise from the north:
- Kenya (769 Km)
- Uganda (396 Km)
- Rwanda (217 Km)
- Burundi (451 Km)
- Democratic Republic of Congo (459 Km)
- Zambia (338 Km)
- Malawi (475 Km)
- Mozambique (756 Km)
Population (million inhabitants) | 55.570 |
Land area (1,000 sq km) | 0,945 |
Population density (inhabitants per sq km) | 58 |
GDP per capita ($) | 936.33 |
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