

  • Official name: People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
  • Constitutional semi-presidential republic
  • President of Algeria is head of state while the Prime Minister is the head of government.
  • Legislative power is vested in both the government and the two chambers of parliament, the People’s National Assembly and the Council of the Nation.
  • Legal system: Based on the constitution of 1976; revised in 1989, 1997 and 2016


  • The lower house, the Assemblée populaire nationale, with 462 members, was first elected in June 1997;
  • The upper house, the Conseil de la nation, which has 144 seats, was formed in December 1997:
    • two-thirds of its members elected through municipal polls
    • Remainder appointed by the president
National elections

April 2014 (presidential); May 2017 (legislative); November 2017 (provincial and municipal councils); a presidential election due to be held on April 18th was later delayed to July, and that date has again been postponed. The next legislative election is due in May 2022

Head of state
  • The president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, resigned on April 2nd;
  • The speaker of the upper house of parliament, Abdelkader Bensalah, will serve as interim president until fresh elections are held (these are constitutionally due within 90 days)
  • Reports have surfaced that Bouteflika, now 81 years old, may seek reinstatement.

Council of Ministers presided over by the prime minister, appointed by the head of state

Main political parties
  • Front de libération nationale (FLN), previously the sole legal party;
  • Rassemblement national démocratique (RND);
  • Front des forces socialistes (FFS);
  • Rassemblement pour la culture et la démocratie (RCD);
  • Mouvement de la réforme nationale (al-Islah; Islamist);
  • Mouvement de la société pour la paix (MSP; Islamist);
  • Parti des travailleurs (Labour Party)
The government
  • Prime minister: Noureddine Bedoui
  • Vice-minister of national defence, army chief of staff: Ahmed Gaïd Salah
Key ministers
  • Agriculture, fisheries & rural development: Cherif Amari
  • Communication: Hassene Rabhi
  • Defence: Vacant
  • Energy: Mohamed Arkab
  • Finance: Mohamed Loukal
  • Foreign affairs & international co-operation: Sabri Boukadoum
  • Health, population & hospital reform: Mohamed Miraoui
  • Higher education & scientific research: Bouzid Tayeb
  • Housing & urban development: Kamel Belhoud
  • Industry & mines: Djamila Tamazirt
  • Interior & local government: Salah Eddine Dahmoune
  • Justice: Slimane Brahmi
  • Labour & social security: Hassan Tidjani Haddam
  • Moudjahidine (war veterans): Tayeb Zitouni
  • National education: Abdelhakim Belabed
  • National solidarity, family & women: Ghania Eddalia
  • Postal services, telecomsmunications, technology & digital affairs: Iman Houda Feraoun
  • Public works & transport: Mustapha Kouraba
  • Relations with parliament: Fethi Khouil
  • Parliamentary speaker: Slimane Chenine
Central bank governor
  • Ammar Haiwani

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