Travel & Accommodation
TAAG (Angolan Airlines) which is the national carrier travels to the following destinations in Africa:
- Angola
- Luanda
- Cape Verde
- Ilha do Sal
- Dem. Rep. of the Congo
- Kinshasa
- Kenya
- Nairobi
- Morocco
- Casablanca
- Mozambique
- Maputo
- Namibia
- Windhoek
- Republic of the Congo
- Brazzaville
- São Tomé and Príncipe
- São Tomé
- South Africa
- Cape Town
- Johannesburg
- Zambia
- Lusaka
- Zimbabwe
- Harare
As with most African countries, accommodation in the main cities (particularly the capitals) is more expensive than in outlying or more remote cities. In Luanda you can find good comfortable accommodation from $20 (e.g. Hotel Talatona) to around $500 (e.g. Epic Sana hotel) per night.
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