

Libya (/ˈlɪbiə/ Arabic: ليبيا‎, romanized: Lībiyā), officially “the State of Libya”, is a country in the Maghreb region in North Africa.

Libya has been inhabited by Berbers since the late Bronze Age. The Phoenicians established trading posts in western Libya, and ancient Greek colonists established city-states in eastern Libya. Libya was variously ruled by Carthaginians, Persians, Egyptians and Greeks before becoming a part of the Roman Empire. Libya was an early centre of Christianity. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the area of Libya was mostly occupied by the Vandals until the 7th century, when invasions brought Islam to the region.

In the 16th century, the Spanish Empire and the Knights of St John occupied Tripoli, until Ottoman rule began in 1551. Libya was involved in the Barbary Wars of the 18th and 19th centuries. Ottoman rule continued until the Italian occupation of Libya resulted in an Italian Libya colony from 1911 to 1947. During the Second World War, Libya was an important area of warfare in the North African Campaign.

Libya became independent as a kingdom in 1951. A military coup in 1969 overthrew King Idris I. The “bloodless” coup leader Muammar Gaddafi ruled the country from 1969 and the Libyan Cultural Revolution in 1973 until he was overthrown and killed in the 2011 Libyan Civil War. Two authorities initially claimed to govern Libya: the Council of Deputies in Tobruk and the 2014 General National Congress (GNC) in Tripoli, which considered itself the continuation of the General National Congress, elected in 2012.

After UN-led peace talks between the Tobruk and Tripoli governments, a unified interim UN-backed Government of National Accord was established in 2015, and the GNC disbanded to support it. Parts of Libya remain outside either government’s control, with various Islamist, rebel and tribal militias administering some areas. As of July 2017, talks are still ongoing between the GNA and the Tobruk-based authorities to end the strife and unify the divided establishments of the state, including the Libyan National Army and the Central Bank of Libya.

Libya is a member of the United Nations (since 1955), the Non-Aligned Movement, the Arab League, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and OPEC. The country’s official religion is Islam, with 96.6% of the Libyan population being Sunni Muslims.

ليبيا ليبيا ليبيا
Libya, Libya, Libya

Listen to the Libya national anthem
Arabic Lyrics (Arabic script)English (Translation)
يا بلادي بجهادي وجلادي
ادفعي كيد الأعادي
اسلمي طول المدي إننا نحن الفدا
ليبيا ليبيا ليبيا

يا بلادي أنت ميراث الجدود
لارعى الله يداً تمتد لك
فاسلمي، إنا -على الدهر- جنود
لا نبالي إن سلمت من هلك
وخذي منا وثيقات العهود
إننا يا ليبيا لن نخذلك
لن نعود للقيود قد تحررنا وحررنا الوطن
ليبيا ليبيا ليبيا


جرّد الأجداد عزماً مرهفاً
يوم ناداهم منادٍ للكفاح
ثم ساروا يحملون المصحفا
باليد الأولى، وبالأخرى سلاح
فإذا في الكون دين وصفا
وإذا العالم خير وصلاح
فالخلود للجدود إنهم قد شرفوا هذا الوطن
ليبيا ليبيا ليبيا


حيّ إدريس سليل الفاتحين
إنه في ليبيا رمز الجهاد
حمل الراية فينا باليمين
وتبعناه لتحرير البلاد
فانثنى بالملك والفتح المبين
وركزنا فوق هامات النجاد
رايةً حرّةً ظللت بالعز أرجاء الوطن
ليبيا ليبيا ليبيا


يا ابن ليبيا، يا ابن آساد الشرى
إننا للمجد والمجد والمجدُ لنا
مذ سرونا حمد القوم السرى
بارك الله لنا استقلالنا
فابتغوا العلياء شأواً في الورى
واستعدوا للوغى أشبالنا
للغلاب يا شباب إنما الدنيا كفاح للوطن
ليبيا ليبيا ليبيا

Oh my country! With my struggle and my patience
Drive off enemies and mishaps,
And survive!
Survive all through, we are your ransom
Oh Libya! 

1. Oh my country! You are the heritage of grandfathers,
May God cast off any hand that would harm you
Do survive! We are for ever your soldiers,
If you survive we care not who perishes.
To you we give solemn pledges
That we, Oh Libya, will never fail you.
We will never go back to fetters, we have been liberated, and we have freed our home country
Libya, Libya, Libya. 


2. Our grandfathers carried their swords when struggle called on them
Carrying the holy Quran in a hand, and the swords in the other
They fought till they spread religion, peace and prosperity all over the world
Eternity for them
They have built the integrity of our country
Libya, Libya, Libya.


3. O son of Libya, oh sons of wild lions
We are for glory
And glory is yours
Since we began our struggle, all people were with us
May god protect our independence
Seek the ultimate heights
And be ready for the struggle, our youth
Life is a war for the glory of our home land
Libya, Libya, Libya.


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