Source: The Economist
Political structure
Official name: Republic of Tunisia
Legal system: Based on the new constitution agreed in January 2014
The regime of the former president, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, was ousted in January 2011; a National Constituent Assembly led Tunisia between October 2011 and October 2014, when elections for a new, permanent legislature, the Assemblée des représentants du peuple, took place
National elections
The first round of the most recent presidential election was held on September 15th 2019, with a second-round run-off held on October 13th. The most recent legislative election was held on October 6th 2019. The next elections are due in 2024
Head of state
Kaïs Saïed is the president. However, it is the prime minister (Elyes Fakhfakh) who has more powers under the constitution
Hizb al-Nahda, a moderate Islamist party, won the most seats in the 2019 parliamentary election, followed by Qalb Tounes. However, Nahda needed to form a coalition to rule, as it lacked a majority
Main political parties
The largest political parties are:
- Hizb al-Nahda
- Qalb Tounes
- Nidaa Tounes (NT) (The former ruling party lost significant ground in the 2019 parliamentary election).
- Other smaller parties include:
- Echaab
- The Parti destourien libre
- Tahya Tounes
- al-Karama
The government
Prime minister: Elyes Fakhfakh
Key ministers
- Agriculture, water resources & fisheries: Oussama Kheriji
- Cultural affairs: Chiraz Laatiri
- Education: Mohamed Hamdi
- Employment & vocational training: Fathi Belhaj
- Environment: Chokri Ben Hassen
- Finance: Nizar Yaïch
- Foreign affairs: Noureddine Erray
- Health: Abdellatif Mekki
- Higher education & scientific research: Slim Choura
- Industry & small & medium-sized enterprises: Salah Ben Youssef
- Information technology & digital economy: Mohamed Fadhel Kraiem
- Interior: Hichem Mechichi
- Justice: Thouraya Jeribi Khemiri
- National defence: Imed Hazgui
- Religious affairs: Ahmed Adhoum
- Tourism: Mohamed Ali Toumi
- Transport: Anouar Maarouf
- Youth & sports: Ahmed Gaâloul
Central bank governor
- Marouane Abassi
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