

A governorate (wilaya in Arabic) is a territorial grouping in Tunisia – the equivalent of the French “departments”. A Governor is the head of each of these governorates. Governors are appointed by the President of the Republic on the proposal of the Minister of the Interior.

GovernorateArea (km)Capital
Ariana            482Ariana
Béja         3 740Béja
Ben Arous            761Ben Arous
Bizerte         3 750Bizerte
Gabès         7 166Gabès
Gafsa         7 807Gafsa
Jendouba         3 100Jendouba
Kairouan         6 712Kairouan
Kasserine         8 260Sbeïtlapuis Kasserine
Kébili       22 454Kébili
Le Kef         5 081Le Kef
Mahdia         2 878Mahdia
La Manouba         1 137La Manouba
Médenine         9 167Médenine
Monastir         1 024Monastir
Nabeul         2 840Nabeul
Sfax         7 545Sfax
Sidi Bouzid         7 400Sidi Bouzid
Siliana         4 642Siliana
Sousse         2 669Sousse
Tataouine       38 889Tataouine
Tozeur         5 593Tozeur
Tunis6            288Tunis
Zaghouan         2 820Zaghouan

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