

Zimbabwe (usually abbreviated to “Zim”) has a proud and rich history (See the “General” tab). Zimbabwe’s economy began experiencing a decline in the 1990s that accelerated in the early 2000s. Mugabe’s controversial 1998 decision to intervene in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s civil war cost the Zimbabwean economy hundreds of millions of dollars. Economic mismanagement, rampant inflation, and record-high rates of unemployment complicated the worsening economic situation.

“Unity, Freedom, Work”

Simudzai Mureza wedu WeZimbabwe (“Blessed be the land of Zimbabwe”)

Listen to the Zimbabwe national anthem in Shona
Shona lyricsEnglish Lyrics
1. Simudzai mureza wedu weZimbabwe
Yakazvarwa nomoto wechimurenga;
Neropa zhinji ramagamba
Tiidzivirire kumhandu dzose;
Ngaikomborerwe nyika yeZimbabwe.

2. Tarisai Zimbabwe nyika yakashongedzwa
Namakomo, nehova, zvinoyevedz
Mvura ngainaye, minda ipe mbesa
Vashandi vatuswe, ruzhinji rugutswe; Ngaikomborerwe nyika yeZimbabwe.

3. Mwari ropafadzai nyika yeZimbabwe
Nyika yamadzitateguru edu tose;
Kubva Zambezi kusvika Limpopo,
Navatungamiri vave nenduramo;
Ngaikomborerwe nyika yeZimbabwe.
Oh lift high the banner, the flag of Zimbabwe the symbol of freedom proclaiming victory;
We praise our heroes’ sacrifice,
And vow to keep our land from foes; And may the Almighty protect and bless our land.

Oh lovely Zimbabwe, so wondrously adorned
With mountains, and rivers cascading, flowing free;
May rain abound, and fertile fields;
May we be fed, our labour blessed;
And may the Almighty protect and bless our land.

Oh God, we beseech Thee to bless our native land;
The land of our fathers bestowed upon us all;
From Zambezi to Limpopo
May leaders be exemplary;
And may the Almighty protect and bless our land.

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