


In Zambia, the climate is tropical or sub-tropical. There is a rainy season from mid-November to March and a dry season from April to mid-November. In the dry season, there’s a cool period from mid-May to mid-August. It gets hotter in increments from September to mid-November. October is usually the hottest month of the year. During winter (mid-May to mid-August) temperatures can drop to around 0°C. The driest months are June, July and August.

The North-Western Province, the Copperbelt Province, and the Northern Province usually receive the most precipitation (1,000mm-1400mm) per year. The South-West is the most arid where rainfall is around 600 mm or less.

Temperatures in Lusaka are roughly as follows:

Min (°C)1818171511981115171918
Max (°C)282828272625252831323129

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