

Zambia’s staple food is maize. “Nshima” makes up the main component of meals and is made from pounded white maize or Maize meal (“Millie meal” – Pronounced “Millimil”). It is served with “relish”, a.k.a stew, and vegetables and eaten by hand. Accompaniments can vary, but the most common are vegetables such as Chibwabwa (pumpkin leaves), Impwa (a species of egglplant), Okra (boiled with bicarbonate of soda or fried) or Rape (Kale).

Fish is also commonly consumed. A common type of sardine-like fish (Kapenta) is popular. Due to the plenteous fish available from the Zambezi trout, tilapia are a regular accompaniment. Any of these can also be dried and then boiled in a stew.

Some eccentric dishes are caterpillars and ‘Inswa” (flying ants) which are usually fried. Chikanda or “African Polony” is made from pounded wild orchid tubers, peanuts, chilli and baking soda, it is cooked until it has a meatloaf consistency.

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