

Since 2016, Mali has been divided into ten regions and one capital district. A reorganization of the country from eight to nineteen regions was passed into law in 2012, but of the new regions, only Taoudénit (partitioned from Tombouctou Region) and Ménaka (formerly Ménaka Cercle in Gao Region) have begun to be implemented. A cercle is the second-level administrative unit in Mali. The régions are subdivided into 49 cercles. These subdivisions bear the name of their principal city.

Region nameArea (km2)Capital
Kayes          119 743Kayes
Koulikoro            95 848 Koulikoro
Bamako                  252 Bamako
Sikasso                    70 Sikasso
Ségou            64 821 Ségou
Mopti            79 017 Mopti
Tombouctou          496 611 Tombouctou
Gao            89 532 Gao
Kidal          151 430 Kidal
Menaka            81 040 Menaka
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