
The unitary presidential republic is the western-most country in the mainland of the Old World, or Afro-Eurasia (Afro-Eurasia or Afroeurasia, or Eurafrasia, or nicknamed the World Island), which is a landmass comprising the continents of Africa and Eurasia (Europe and Asia). Its mainland is the largest contiguous landmass on Earth).
Senegal and owes its name to the Senegal River, which borders it to the east and north.
“Un Peuple, Un But, Une Foi” (French)
“One People, One Goal, One Faith”
Anthem: “Pincez Tous vos Koras, Frappez les Balafons”
“Everyone strum your koras, strike the balafons”
French lyrics | English translation |
Pincez tous vos koras, frappez les balafons. Le lion rouge a rugi. Le dompteur de la brousse D’un bond s’est élancé, Dissipant les ténèbres. Soleil sur nos terreurs, soleil sur notre espoir. Debout, frères, voici l’Afrique rassemblée Fibres de mon cœur vert. Épaule contre épaule, mes plus que frères, O Sénégalais, debout! Unissons la mer et les sources, unissons la steppe et la forêt!Salut Afrique mère, salut Afrique mère. | Everyone strum your koras, strike the balafons. The red lion has roared. The tamer of the savannah Has leapt forward, Dispelling the darkness. Sunlight on our terrors, sunlight on our hope. Stand up, brothers, here is Africa assembled. Fibres of my green heart, Shoulder to shoulder, my more-than-brothers, O Senegalese, arise! Join sea and springs, join steppe and forest! Hail mother Africa, hail mother Africa. |
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