Sierra Leone


Here are a few dishes you are likely to come across in Sierra Leone.

Fry fry is referred to anything that is fried. This is usually a street food that is served with bread. Some of the items that can be called Fry Fry include akara, fried plantains, gaari cake, fried chicken, french fries. Another thing that comes with this is a bowl of spaghetti, some hard-boiled eggs, and some fluffy Fula bread and spicy pepper sauce.

Plasas is a stew made with any greens such as potato leaves, spinach, kale along with some meat and eaten with rice or some starchy component.

Oleleh is a savoury pudding made with black-eyed beans and is a very typical Sierra Leonean dish. The Cooking Wardrobe shares this interesting recipe by including Salmon as well, try this recipe using spice blends from Ataro Foods & Spices online store. Oleleh is said to be a very popular street food in Sierra Leone, so do try and give your cooking a new twist!

Agidi is a starchy dish (made with maize flour) and must be served with another nutritiously rich dish such as fish or a rich sauce. The Cooking Wardrobe has shared this lovely recipe of Agidi and Fish Stew.

Pepper chicken is another typical dish from Sierra Leone. It contains chicken, some peppers, tomato puree and peanut butter.

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