

Political structure
  • Official name: Republic of Liberia
  • Form of state: Unitary republic
Legal system

Based on 1986 constitution

National legislature

National Legislative Assembly, consisting of the House of Representatives (lower house, 73 seats) and the Senate (upper house, 30 seats)

National elections

Presidential and legislative elections were held in October 2017. A delayed second-round run-off for the presidential election was held on December 26th. The next elections are due to be held in 2023

Head of state

President; currently George Weah

National government

The head of state and cabinet of ministers

Main political parties

Unity Party (UP), Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), Liberty Party (LP), National Union for Democratic Progress (NUDP), National Democratic Coalition (NDC), National Patriotic Party (NPP), Alliance for Peace and Democracy (APD)

Key ministers
  • President: George Weah
  • Vice-president: Jewel Howard-Taylor
  • Agriculture: Mogana Flomo
  • Commerce & industry: Wilson Tarpeh
  • Defence: Daniel Dee Ziankahn
  • Education: Ansu D Sonii
  • Finance & development planning: Samuel Tweah
  • Foreign affairs: Gbehzohngar Findley
  • Gender, children & social protection: Williametta Saydee-Tarr
  • Health & social welfare: Wilhelmina Jallah
  • Information, culture & tourism: Eugene Nagbe
  • Internal affairs: Varney A Sirleaf
  • Justice & attorney-general: Musa Dean
  • Labour: Moses Y Kollie
  • Land, mines & energy: Gesler E Murray
  • Public works: Mobutu Vlah Nyenpan
  • Transport: Samuel A Wlue
  • Youth & sports: D Zoegar Wilson
Central Bank governor
  • Nathaniel Patray

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