


Official name: Republic of Botswana

  • Form of state: Unitary republic
  • Legal system: Roman-Dutch law; cases in rural areas are heard by customary courts
National legislature

National Assembly consisting of 57 members elected by universal suffrage, the president, the attorney-general and four members nominated by the president; a 15-member House of Chiefs advises on tribal matters

National elections
  • October 2019 (legislative); next legislative election due in October 2024
Head of state
  • President, chosen by the National Assembly
National government
  • The president, his appointed vice-president and cabinet
Main political parties
  • Botswana Democratic Party (BDP; the ruling party)
  • Botswana Congress Party (BCP; the main opposition party)
  • Botswana National Front (BNF)
  • Botswana Movement for Democracy (BMD)
  • Botswana People’s Party (BPP) formed a new coalition in November 2012, called the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC)
Key ministers
  • President: Mokgweetsi Masisi
  • Vice-president: Slumber Tsogwane
  • Agriculture: Dr Edwin Dikoloti
  • Environment, wildlife & tourism: Phildah Kereng
  • Finance & development planning: Dr Thapelo Matsheka
  • Foreign affairs & international co-operation: Unity Dow
  • Health: Lemogang Kwape
  • Infrastructure & housing development: Mmusi Kgafela
  • Investment, trade & industry: Peggy Serame
  • Justice, defence & security: Kagiso Mmusi
  • Labour & employment: Mpho Balopi
  • Land management, water & sanitation: Kefentse Mzwinila
  • Local government: Eric Molale
  • Minerals resources & energy: Lefoko Moagi
  • Presidential affairs & public administration: Kabo Morwaeng
  • Primary education & skills development: Fidelia Molao
  • Transport & communications: Thulagano Segokgo
  • Youth, sports & culture: Tumiso Rakgare
  • Central bank governor: Moses Pelaelo

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